Friday, March 28, 2008

Golden Freedom


"Progress was defeated at each turn by the selfish interests of magnates who preached that they were acting thus to defend their Golden Freedom, and in a sense they were.

They were defending their freedom to neutralize the king; they were defending their freedom to keep the newly built towns subservient to their country areas; they were defending most strongly their freedom to keep their peasants in a state of perpetual serfdom as opposed to the liberties which were being grudgingly won in the western parts of Europe; and they were doing everything reactionary within their power to preserve the advantages they had against the legitimate aspirations of the growing gentry. The Golden Freedom which the magnates defended with every bit of chicanery and power they commanded was the freedom of the few to oppress the many, the freedom of a few grasping magnates to prevent a strong king from arising."

- Poland, James A. Michener

The Polish Immigrée's Phrasebook

Chapter One:
At the Paszport Biuro

Jak długo trzeba jeszcze czekać? – How long does one have to wait?
Jest zimno. – It's cold.
Trzeba czekać. – One must wait.
Nie trzeba się gniewać. – You shouldn't be angry.
O co chodzi? – What's the problem?
Trudno! – It can't be helped!
Co mam robić? – What am I supposed to do?
Tak źle i tak niedobrze. – It's bad whichever way you look at it.
To jest do niczego. – This is useless.
Zegarek nie nidzie. – My watch has stopped.
Wszystko strasznie. – Everything is terrible.
Nie chcą słuchać. – They don't want to listen.
To nic! – Forget it!
Mam dosyć tego. – I've had enough!
Co to ma być? – What is this supposed to be?
Gdzie idziemy? – Where are we going?
Widzę, że nie ma telefonu. - I see that there isn't a telephone.
Już nie wiem gdzie jestem. – I don't know where I am anymore.
Martwię się. – I'm worried.
Nie wierzę w Boga. – I don't believe in God.
To jest dla żony. – This is for my wife.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Recently Discovered Record Collection

(burlapgrain kitchen table included for much-needed perspective)

Boney M.

Tercet Egzotyczny

Janos Sarkozi - Gypsies Songs

P Ohio

Rodowicz - The Polish Madonna

The Ubiquitous Abba

Morton Downey, J ...
Dorin Anastasiu

Men Without Hats. Men Without Scarves. Men Without Black Stonewashed Jeans. Men Without Yellow Cardigan Sweaters. Men Without Hands Down Their Pants. Men Without ...

The Santa Maria, a claymation donkey, a Soviet-era cassette player, and Pana Kleksa - they're back from space
and they've brought down a record.


The Singular Grażyna Świtała,
whose name means something in Polish.
Caution: Diffident when veiled!
