Monday, May 15, 2006

The Jesus Zoo

Across from a kielbasa stand down the street from my apartment, the Poles have crucified Jesus three times. They've put up a fishnet to keep The Three Messiahs from escaping and mauling the passersby. When I walk past on my way to class, I am sometimes tempted to toss in a few peanut shells or some popcorn, but there is a sign in Polish that I suspect is advising me not to feed the Jesuses.



ExpatriateAct said...

I figured as such. The idea of multiple Jesi is probably pretty blasphemous anyhow, unless you're one of the 3,678 members of the Huntsville, Alabama Church of Jesus Christ, The Three-Headed Hydra-Like Beast.

Anonymous said...

A man so nice they crucified him thrice.